应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)是一种难以预测和识别的开裂, and can lead to catastrophic failure, often without any prior warning. 构件的应力腐蚀开裂试验有助于评价金属材料的开裂敏感性. 我们在故障发生之前迅速确定大小和范围, 避免高工业成本和安全隐患.



应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)是标准延性材料在持续拉应力和腐蚀的共同作用下发生的意外突然失效. 它可以发生在静态外部施加载荷和焊接残余应力下, forming, machining, grinding, physical damage, heat treatment, and operating pressures. As SCC often develops rapidly, without prior warning, and can lead to catastrophic failure, 在潜在问题发生之前进行测试是至关重要的. 



  • Compliance Assurance: Meet stringent industry standards, regulations and accreditations, such as NACE, BS, ISO, ASTM and NADCAP, 确保法规遵从性和可靠性.
  • Industry-Specific Expertise:利用我们的im体育平台app下载特定知识, 我们为能源等关键im体育平台app下载使用的金属和合金提供应力腐蚀测试, Aerospace, and Transportation. 
  • Global Reach and Accessibility:全球访问SCC测试服务, even in remote or offshore locations, 不管你的公司在哪里
  • Cost-effective and Timely Solutions:在保持高品质的同时,强调安全可靠, 我们的服务快捷高效,能有效管理您的成本.
  • Advanced Testing Techniques拥有最先进的设备和先进的技术, 我们可以确保准确可靠的应力腐蚀开裂评估, 即使是复杂的结构和材料.
  • 针对不同环境的定制测试: 体验量身定制的测试协议和大容量模拟设施,复制不同的操作环境,如陆上, offshore, harsh climates, high altitudes, high pressure, road, rail, or maritime.
  • 预测测试,延长使用寿命: 对于维护和安全规划至关重要, 我们对长时间材料降解的准确预测确保了对整个生命周期材料性能的全面了解.
  • Diverse Materials Testing: 受益于测试范围广泛的材料容易产生应力腐蚀开裂, including carbon and alloy steels, stainless steels, nickel alloys, aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, and copper
  • 氯致应力腐蚀试验: For those in the Nuclear industry, 获得符合ASTM标准的可靠和安全的氯化物应力腐蚀测试, addressing specific industry needs.


Early Detection and Prevention

应力腐蚀往往在结构中迅速发展. 这很难预测,并可能导致意想不到的失败. 使用Element进行应力腐蚀开裂测试,识别外部和内部腐蚀等重大威胁, manufacturing defects, welding and fabrication defects, equipment failures, and incorrect operations. 我们的测试很早就发现了这些风险, preventing costly expenses, safety hazards, 对环境和公司声誉的损害.

Elements全球腐蚀测试专家Phil Dent.

Phil Dent


Read more about Phil



  • Carbon and alloys steels
  • Stainless steels
  • Nickel alloys
  • Aluminum alloys
  • Titanium alloys
  • Copper alloys



氯化物是应力腐蚀开裂的一种 intergranular corrosion 这对核工业来说尤为重要. 它发生在奥氏体不锈钢在拉伸应力下暴露于氧气中, chloride ions, and high temperature. 元件提供可靠和安全的氯化物诱导应力腐蚀测试,使用符合ASTM G-36-94的含氯化物环境.


Why Choose Element?

Element经营着一个全球网络 corrosion testing laboratories accredited to ISO 17025 and NADCAP, 在美国各地都有分店, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. 我们在各种环境条件下进行广泛的应力腐蚀开裂试验, 包括现场检查和实验室分析. 

在提供腐蚀测试服务方面拥有十多年的专业知识, we have assisted various industries, including Oil and Gas, Aerospace, Transportation, and many others.

将广泛的im体育平台app下载知识与全球领先的实验室测试和模拟设施相结合, 我们为在不允许失败的领域提供确定性而感到自豪. 

Find out more about Element 以及我们在测试、检验和认证im体育平台app下载的信誉.

有关我们如何执行应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)测试的更多信息, or to request a quote, contact us today. 

Sour Service Cracking

  • NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156

Stress Corrosion Cracking

  • ASTM G44, G47, G64 (aluminum)
  • NACE TM0198, ASTM G129, ISO 7539-7 (SSRT)
  • NACE TM0177, NACE TM0316 

Sulfide Stress Cracking 

  • NACE TM0177, NACE TM0316
  • BS 8701

Chloride Stress Cracking

  • ASTM G36

Ammonia Stress Cracking

  • ASTM B858 (ISO 6957)
  • ASTM G37


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.