
Key Points to Consider when Preparing to Test Military 和 国防 Equipment

im体育APP提供国防制造商在资格认证期间所需的广泛测试和验证服务,以帮助满足军事标准的严格要求. 这些包括 Def st和ard 59-411 和 Mil st和ard 461, as well as more specific aerospace st和ards such as RTCA做- 160 for indirect 和 direct lightning testing. 

国防产品和部件必须经过最严格的测试,以确保它们即使在最恶劣的环境中也能可靠使用. im体育APPEMC 和 环境 腔室几乎可以复制任何设置,以使设备承受极端条件,包括高温, 冷, 灰尘, 和 electrical interference.

To ensure testing runs as smoothly as possible, im体育APP防务专家 我总结了制造商在准备为国防市场测试产品或组件时应该考虑的要点:


1. Have the constraints of the penetration panel been taken into account? 

提供EMC测试环境与外界之间的接地/屏蔽和滤波, the penetration panel is a vital consideration when preparing to test. 

This should include, 例如, 插入面板的位置和测量,以确保所有必要的电缆和布线将通过它很容易适应. 这将防止有关测试产品连接到外部支持设备的任何延迟. 如果任何电缆是一个不寻常的大小,它可能值得考虑带来自己的渗透面板.

A common mistake is to bring plastic connectors which, as they are ungrounded, can’t be used to connect to the metal connectors on the penetration panel. 

im体育APP可以提前提供所有测试室和渗透板的测量, including diagrams for their precise useable areas as they are not all identical. 例如, the EMC Chamber Penetration Panel is 400mm x 400mm x 2mm Aluminium, while the Reverberation Chamber Penetration Panel is 315mm x 315mm x 2mm Aluminium. 

Available diagrams incorporate all the EMC chamber dimensions, including penetration panels 和 a choice of bench dimensions.


2. What support equipment is required? 

在计划测试时,必须考虑所需的支持设备. This could be anything needed to operate the EUT, 安装EUT, 或在必要时提供远程运行被测设备(EUT)的能力. 

Loads, supplies, 和 signals are all key considerations. If the test subject requires a load for testing, 重要的是要确保为系统适当地设置虚拟负载,并在测试日期确定时做好准备. 

最后, 在准备测试时,我们经常看到导致延迟的关键设备之一是电缆和连接器. 至关重要的是要计划什么电缆将需要,并确保电缆是适当的长度. 这是不罕见的电缆太短,沿着测试台架的前面运行,并达到一个断开面板,而不强调任何电缆本身或连接器. As a general rule, too long is always better than too short.


3. Have you considered the appropriate power supply 和 connections?


Regarding the power connection, providing the power lead is the correct length from the EUT, 那么连接到测试室中的滤波器/ lisn的6mm环形端子将是最安全的选择. If not, bare wires should be left for trimming to the correct length. The power line length is defined in the test specification.

im体育APP can provide a number of power supplies solutions including, 例如, 高达28 VDC, 115 V 400 Hz AC 和 mains supplies.

For the power supply, it is important to inform im体育APP about the current draw of the EUT, including inrush, to ensure the correct power supply is ready 和 available.

除了, if there is a specific bonding strap required for the product, it is vital that it be brought to the testing laboratories, although alternatives can be provided on the day if required.

For some tests, im体育APP will need to monitor individual power lines next to the EUT. 如果是这种情况,应提前通知电源线是否屏蔽/铠装.


4. Are the Dwell Times clearly established?

停顿时间, the time spent at each frequency to measure emissions or check for susceptibility, are frequently a cause of delay when testing is about to commence. 

停顿时间 can vary greatly with each specification, 和 it is vital to underst和 what the impact of this might be. 这意味着要考虑你的设备需要多长时间才能完成一个完整的功能周期,以使所有潜在的排放被捕获,或者需要多长时间来检查每个频率下的整个操作周期的敏感性. 

When testing to a lot of frequencies, it is important to be aware that the longer the dwell time for each frequency, the longer the overall test. 没有考虑到不同的频率可能会导致测试超时和, on a practical level, may mean the chamber has not been booked for long enough, which could delay testing being completed. 


5. How will the test be monitored? 

决定如何监控测试通常要等到最后一分钟,这可能会导致测试开始的意外延迟. 因此, 了解需要什么样的监控设备,以及设备是否能够远程检查EUT的正确操作是至关重要的. 

If video cameras are going to be used, 计划他们的位置和精确的角度,以确保合适的观看应该已经进行. 

If the electronics are going to be monitored using laptop software, 有必要提前检查所有适当的显示器或设备,以确保监测是全面的,顺利运行,准备就绪和可用. 

When carrying out monitoring of the EUT, 有些测试可能非常长,可能需要使用略有不同的参数重复多次. If this is the case, 值得考虑的是,是否可以使用在检测到故障时自动锁存的软件来监控EUT.



While advanced planning can make a huge difference to how smoothly a test program runs, the reality is that many products will fail the testing the first time around. 因此,强烈建议在项目时间表中加入应急时间. The goal of testing should always be to pass the first time, much can be learnt from failed test cycles, 和 the key is to ensure that any additional time required is kept to a minimum.  

从一开始就考虑产品的合规性和合格性,并让项目的测试专家提供支持, 建议, 技术专长可以减少失败的机会,加快测试过程.

了解更多有关产品测试的信息,以达到所需的军事和航空航天标准, please 联系 im体育APP的 specialist military 和 aerospace team by emailing 或请求


Military 和 防御测试 St和ards

im体育APP routinely tests to the following common st和ards:

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国防 EMC 测试

国防 EMC 测试


im体育APP in Defence

MIL-STD 810 测试

im体育APP在美国和英国的产品测试实验室根据国防标准评估组件和系统,包括MIL-STD 810等.

环境 testing

环境 测试



Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.