你们的产品是否面临不同的环境挑战? Element’s diverse range of accelerated weathering testing services helps ensure that your products and materials meet the expected functionality and lifetime. 评估材料耐久性, performance, and longevity, instilling confidence in your product's performance through Element's expert testing.



It’s not practical to wait 10+ years to determine if a material or a product is suitable for a real-world environment. 加速风化模拟了现实世界的条件, 无需等待就能洞察产品性能. 

It can help assess coating and material resistance to potential environmental damage, 或者长时间暴露的影响, 将代价高昂的过早失败的风险降至最低. Element provides a range of accelerated weathering testing as well as mechanical testing to assess the coating/materials' ability to meet the long-term requirements of a particular environment.



  • 对所有环境因素的保护: Our testing methods cover both indoor and outdoor environmental scenarios, so you can be confident your product is fully assessed for various climatic conditions.
  • 创造更好、更耐用的产品: We investigate any imperfections that arise due to testing – from color changes and cracking to corrosion, empowering you to understand how to assess and enhance your product’s durability, quality, and safety.
  • 符合im体育平台app下载标准我们的测试和评估与全球ISO一致, ASTM, or NACE standards, 为您提供潜在问题或诉讼的审计跟踪.
  • 专家定制解决方案: Tailor-made projects and solutions designed by our experts to meet your unique project requirements.
  • 通用材料测试: From paint, coatings, sealants, fabrics, 以及汽车零部件, our accelerated weathering test services evaluate the performance of a wide array of materials.
  • 涂料认证和性能专家: Leverage our expertise in accelerated weathering to determine your product's suitability to meet environmental impacts.



配有专门的环境设备,如盐雾, UV cabinets, 环境室, accelerated weathering brings you valuable performance information faster than waiting for real-world data. It allows you to make informed decisions for reliable and long-lasting products and determine their resilience against the natural forces they will encounter throughout their lifetime.



超出了标准的加速风化测试,比如紫外线, Xenon Arc, and Carbon Arc, 我们提供多种测试, including 油漆及涂层测试, 盐雾,盐雾, Corrosion Testing耐化学、耐高温、耐低温. At Element, 我们在一个地方解决您所有的材料挑战, saving you time and ensuring a thorough evaluation for a deeper understanding of your materials' performance.

“At Element, we work in partnership with our clients to ensure testing performed meets their individual needs. Our experts can help guide clients through the complexities of new and old standards and assist in designing test programs.  With our centers of excellence, we offer a one-stop shop for your testing needs.”

Stuart Sharman

Technical Manager


Element提供全方位的加速实验室测试服务, 包括但不限于:

  • Salt spray (neutral (NSS), acetic acid (AASS), and copper accelerated (CASS)
  • UV testing which can include pure UV, set temperature, condensation, and water spray control
  • 其中可包括纯氙气、湿度、温度控制
  • Xenon Arc - ideal for applications where high-quality finishes in paints and coatings are crucial, 尤其是面对紫外线降解水平升高时
  • Carbon Arc -评估产品在电气方面的抗劣化能力, mechanical, 以及暴露于光和热下的光学特性
  • Climate chambers to control temperatures and humidity and can be set to various levels and ramp rates 
  • 阴极disbondment 既有印象又有牺牲阳极
  • 浸泡在各种流体中
  • 着火前加速老化测试(碳氢化合物和纤维素)
  • Cryogenic exposure
  • Thermal exposure



Element is ISO 17025 accredited with testing on scope from accreditation bodies in various geographic locations, (UKAS – UK, RvA – Netherlands, A2LA – USA). 

我们在美国拥有一个设备齐全的全球实验室网络, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia providing a wide range of accelerated weathering testing and more. Our 阿姆斯特丹卓越中心 提供大多数im体育平台app下载要求的风化测试 mechanical, analytical, 电化学测试, positioning us as your single source provider for all your testing requirements.

以多年加速老化试验经验为后盾, 我们将确保您的产品经过最高标准的测试, 达到并超越im体育平台app下载标准, 提升您的品牌信誉,获得竞争优势.

At Element, we're not just about testing; we're about ensuring your products stand the test of time. 

要了解更多关于Element的信息,请访问我们的 About Us page. Contact us today to experience excellence in accelerated weathering testing tailored to your unique needs. 

Element provides accelerated weathering testing to many common industry standards, 包括下面所示的, 以及定制规格:


AMPP TM 21612

美国检验学会 & Materials

ASTM C793-05, ASTM D1171, ASTM D1499, ASTM D2126, ASTM D2247, ASTM D2565, ASTM D4329, ASTM D4355, ASTM D4459, ASTM D4587, ASTM D4674, ASTM D4798/D4798M, ASTM D5071, ASTM D5208, ASTM D5427, ASTM D5894, ASTM D6521-13, ASTM D6551, ASTM D6695, ASTM D7869, ASTM E408, ASTM E773, ASTM F1980, ASTM F1980-16, ASTM G147, ASTM G151-55


Bs 7976-2, Bs en 1062-11, en 16623

Defence Standards

Mil STD 810e, Mil STD 810f


Ead 350402-00-1106, Ead 350140-00-1106


GM9327P, GMW 14124


ISO 105 B02, ISO 105 B06, ISO 11507, ISO 12944-6, ISO 12944-9, ISO 16474-1, ISO 16474-3, ISO 20340, ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-3, ISO 15711, ISO 19277, ISO 21809-1, ISO 21809-2, ISO 21809-3, ISO 11503


Nace tm0304, Nace tm0404, Nace tm0185



OEM Specifications 

福特FLTM bo 116-01, Honda HES D6601, NISSAN NES M0135, 标致PSA D47 1431, Toyota TSH1585G, VW PV1303


Sae j1885、Sae j1960、Sae j2020、Sae j2412、Sae j2527、Sae j575


vgbe - s - 021 - 02 - 2023 - 05

ASTM G154和G155说明

Engaged Expert Terry Candlish discusses ASTM G154 and G155 tests which are used to evaluate sunlight and moisture exposure.


风化试验:解释DIN 75 220

DIN 75 220 is a testing requirement of many automotive manufacturers that provides critical insight to help assess and improve product quality and durability. READ MORE

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Xenon Arc Testing

Xenon Arc Testing

Element处于加速暴露测试的前沿, 为纺织im体育平台app下载客户提供氙弧测试服务, polymer, paint, 汽车工业.

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shock testing


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元件采用校准IP测试设备, 包括浸入式水箱, nozzles, 和粉尘特定的IP等级要求.

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Fire Testing

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Our team of over 9,在北美聘用了000名专家, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.